How to Fix a website Certificate Warning problem. (100% working & easy)
Fix Date and Time
Step 1
If your computer's clock is set to a date or time that is after the website's certificate expired, you can change your clock settings. Click the date in the bottom right corner of your computer's Desktop.
Step 2
Click "Change date and time settings" to open the Date and Time dialog.
Related Reading: How to Request a Missing Certificate for a Web Server
Step 3
Click "Change date and time..."
Step 4
Enter the correct "Time" and select the correct "Date."
Step 5
Click "OK" on both dialog boxes to change the date and time on your computer.
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4 ways to make a good girlfriend.
1. Be a good listener.
The men whom women invariably settle down with all have one thing in common: they make her feel special. If you're failing to inspire this feeling in her, it's probably because you're more focused on your feelings than hers.
Sometimes men are so caught up in impressing their date, they come off as uninterested in the person in front of them. By the time the first date ends, they've rattled off their list of brag-worthy accomplishments, but never took the time to understand what she's about. Take a breather, and let the poor woman speak!
The easiest way to set yourself apart from the self-absorbed schmucks taking her out is to ask her questions and actually listen. She'll feel more connected to you, and you'll actually make it to date number two. It's a win-win situation.
2. Get good at sex.
We hate to say it, but if your game out of bed is strong, you might need to look toward what's happening between the sheets.
Sex is an important way to connect with a woman. You might have good chemistry with your clothes on, but if you’re missing the mark with them off, it's unlikely she'll want to sign up for a monogamous relationship with you. If she's going to have sex with one person, it better be explosive.
If you've been under the false impression that showing up for sex is enough to satisfy a woman, get your mind right. Put your selfishness in check, and really ask yourself if you focus on her pleasure enough. From her end, the answer is probably no.
3. Be confident.
It all comes back to the way you feel about yourself. If you think your swag is lacking, it is. Women don't want a man with self-esteem issues who needs to be reassured of his worth; they want a man who is fully aware of what he brings to the table and how desirable it is.
When you linger in singledom against your will, and feel your confidence start to sway, take a step back and reassess the situation. You're a cool guy, and if you're not connecting with someone, it doesn't change how awesome you are. It just means you didn't have chemistry with that particular woman. Shake it off, and move on to the next one!
4. Be ready to commit.
If you've made it to the end of the list and are convinced that none of the above apply to you, it's possible women are interested, and assume you are not. You could be a supremely smooth, very datable dude. But if you're inadvertently signaling you're not interested in commitment, no sane, smart woman will pursue you.
Without even realizing it, men drop subtle hints that indicate their interest and readiness in commitment. But, sometimes miscommunication can happen. Signals get crossed. You think you're playing it nonchalant by not putting too much effort in, and she backs off, assuming you're involved with someone else, or just not looking for the same thing she is.
Sometimes, in an attempt to date defensively, you say you're not looking for a relationship or you're not ready for commitment, when in actuality, you are. Get real with yourself about what it is your seeking, and you won't send the kind of mixed signals that scare her off.
The men whom women invariably settle down with all have one thing in common: they make her feel special. If you're failing to inspire this feeling in her, it's probably because you're more focused on your feelings than hers.
Sometimes men are so caught up in impressing their date, they come off as uninterested in the person in front of them. By the time the first date ends, they've rattled off their list of brag-worthy accomplishments, but never took the time to understand what she's about. Take a breather, and let the poor woman speak!
The easiest way to set yourself apart from the self-absorbed schmucks taking her out is to ask her questions and actually listen. She'll feel more connected to you, and you'll actually make it to date number two. It's a win-win situation.
2. Get good at sex.
We hate to say it, but if your game out of bed is strong, you might need to look toward what's happening between the sheets.
Sex is an important way to connect with a woman. You might have good chemistry with your clothes on, but if you’re missing the mark with them off, it's unlikely she'll want to sign up for a monogamous relationship with you. If she's going to have sex with one person, it better be explosive.
If you've been under the false impression that showing up for sex is enough to satisfy a woman, get your mind right. Put your selfishness in check, and really ask yourself if you focus on her pleasure enough. From her end, the answer is probably no.
3. Be confident.
It all comes back to the way you feel about yourself. If you think your swag is lacking, it is. Women don't want a man with self-esteem issues who needs to be reassured of his worth; they want a man who is fully aware of what he brings to the table and how desirable it is.
When you linger in singledom against your will, and feel your confidence start to sway, take a step back and reassess the situation. You're a cool guy, and if you're not connecting with someone, it doesn't change how awesome you are. It just means you didn't have chemistry with that particular woman. Shake it off, and move on to the next one!
4. Be ready to commit.
If you've made it to the end of the list and are convinced that none of the above apply to you, it's possible women are interested, and assume you are not. You could be a supremely smooth, very datable dude. But if you're inadvertently signaling you're not interested in commitment, no sane, smart woman will pursue you.
Without even realizing it, men drop subtle hints that indicate their interest and readiness in commitment. But, sometimes miscommunication can happen. Signals get crossed. You think you're playing it nonchalant by not putting too much effort in, and she backs off, assuming you're involved with someone else, or just not looking for the same thing she is.
Sometimes, in an attempt to date defensively, you say you're not looking for a relationship or you're not ready for commitment, when in actuality, you are. Get real with yourself about what it is your seeking, and you won't send the kind of mixed signals that scare her off.
how to make.,
United States

40 ways to learn English.
40 ways to learn English.
1.Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Be confident. People can only correct your mistakes when they hear you make them.
2.Surround yourself in English. Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can learn passively. The best way to learn is through speaking.
3.Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to spend studying and stick to it. Establish a routine.
4.Tell your family and friends about your study plan. Get them to push you to study and also don’t let them interrupt you.
5.Practise the 4 core skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. They all need to be worked on for you to improve.
6.Keep a notebook of new words you learn. Use them in sentences and try to say them at least 3 times when you speak.
7.Visit EC’s free learn English website at least once a day and complete a lesson.
8.Memorisation of lists is one of the most common ways of learning vocabulary for a test. It's only a good exercise for short term studying because you often do not retain the information that you have learned for a test.
9.Use your body clock. If you’re not a morning person, study in the afternoon.
10.You will find words easier to remember if you try to remember an example sentence using that word rather the word on its own.
11.Plan to take a test. You’ll find that you work harder when you need to study for something.
12.Saying that, it’s better not to study just to take a test. Think of the bigger picture. What can you do when you have a good command of English? How will the quality of your life improve?
13Give yourself a long term goal. Focus on working towards it.
14.Give yourself short term goals too and reward yourself when you achieve each one.
15.Create an atmosphere in which you want to learn, not because you have to. You’ll learn more when you’re learning because you want to.
16.Know what works best for you. Think about what methods have been successful for you in the past and stick with them.
17.Figure out how you learn. It can be by memorising, reading, speaking, summarising or other methods. Find out how you study best. It can be in a quiet place by yourself or with a group.
18.Get help! If you don’t understand something you’ve got to ask someone. Ask your teacher, classmates or friends for help.
19.Review! Review! Review! Make sure that you take the time to review things you have studied in the past.
20.It’s not a good idea to study on your own for more than 30 minutes at a time. Take regular breaks, get some fresh air and stretch your legs.
21.Don’t be in such a hurry to move up a level. Concentrate on the level you are at now.
22.Watch DVDs rather than TV. It’s better to use something that you can watch over again to catch information you might have missed the first time.
23.Watching TV only gives you the chance to hear something correctly first time. This is better for high level students. It can be great practice for speaking to native English speakers so you don’t have to ask them to repeat themselves!
24.Read graded readers. These books are especially written for your level. Read a whole novel. You can do it! You’ll feel great afterwards.
25.Children’s books have easier words and are a good alternative to graded readers.
26.Newspapers are a good place to find passive constructs. Read through an article and see if you can find the passive sentences.
27.Read for the general meaning first. Don’t worry about understanding every word, then go back and look up new words.
28.For a word you don’t understand in a sentence, look at the other words around it. They will give you a hint. Try to guess the meaning from the context.
29.Learn root words. They’ll help you guess the meaning of words. For example: scrib = write, min = small
30.When you learn a new word, think of all its other forms: Beautiful (adjective), beauty (noun), beautifully (adverb).
31.Learn prefixes (dis-, un-, re-) and suffixes (-ly, -ment, -ful), these will help you to figure out the meaning of words and build your vocabulary.
32.English, unlike Japanese or French, uses word stress. For new words, count the syllables and find where the stress is. Only one stress per word and always on a vowel. Two syllable verbs have a stress on the second syllable (beGIN). 2 syllable nouns (TEAcher) and adjectives (HAPpy) stress the first.
33.Use English whenever you can. It’s as simple as that!
34.Don’t translate into English from your own language. Think in English to improve your fluency. Talk to yourself…but not on the bus otherwise people will think you have gone crazy!
35.You can’t learn English from a book. Like driving a car, you can only learn through doing it.
36.The most natural way to learn grammar is through talking.
37.Keep an English diary or journal. Start by writing a few sentences a day and then get into the habit of writing more.
38.Why not start an online blog and share your writings with the world?
39.To become a better writer brainstorm as many ideas and thoughts onto paper without worrying about grammar or spelling. Then think about the structure. After that, write your piece using good grammar and spelling. Finally, read it through or give it to someone else to check for mistakes.
40.Keep an eye on your punctuation as it can totally change what you’re trying to say. Check out the difference in meaning between these two sentences: “A woman without her man is nothing” and “A woman: without her, man is nothing”.
41.Sing your heart out! Show the world your beautiful voice! Learn English songs and sing along with them to improve fluency and intonation… anyone for Karaoke?
42.Get a penfriend or use chat-rooms, forums and community sites. If you can’t speak to someone in English, this is the next best thing.
43.Shadow English CDs. Listen to a few sentences then repeat what you heard. Focus on the rhythm and intonation.
44.Have English radio on in your house. Even if you are not actively listening to it, you will still be training your ears.
45.Mirror CDs. Read out loud along with a CD. Again, this is great for intonation, pronunciation and rhythm.
46.Dictation. Listen to a CD or friend and write down what you hear.
47.Nobody likes to hear their own voice, but be brave and try it! Record your voice and listen to your pronunciation and intonation. It will help you to identify your problem areas.
48.Ask your helpful teacher if you can record his lesson. This is a great way to review. You can also listen to your teachers speaking speed and intonation.
49.Use an English/English dictionary as it will help you to keep thinking in English and not translating.
50.If an English/English dictionary seems scary, there are learner’s dictionaries for English students of your level.
1.Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Be confident. People can only correct your mistakes when they hear you make them.
2.Surround yourself in English. Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can learn passively. The best way to learn is through speaking.
3.Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to spend studying and stick to it. Establish a routine.
4.Tell your family and friends about your study plan. Get them to push you to study and also don’t let them interrupt you.
5.Practise the 4 core skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. They all need to be worked on for you to improve.
6.Keep a notebook of new words you learn. Use them in sentences and try to say them at least 3 times when you speak.
7.Visit EC’s free learn English website at least once a day and complete a lesson.
8.Memorisation of lists is one of the most common ways of learning vocabulary for a test. It's only a good exercise for short term studying because you often do not retain the information that you have learned for a test.
9.Use your body clock. If you’re not a morning person, study in the afternoon.
10.You will find words easier to remember if you try to remember an example sentence using that word rather the word on its own.
11.Plan to take a test. You’ll find that you work harder when you need to study for something.
12.Saying that, it’s better not to study just to take a test. Think of the bigger picture. What can you do when you have a good command of English? How will the quality of your life improve?
13Give yourself a long term goal. Focus on working towards it.
14.Give yourself short term goals too and reward yourself when you achieve each one.
15.Create an atmosphere in which you want to learn, not because you have to. You’ll learn more when you’re learning because you want to.
16.Know what works best for you. Think about what methods have been successful for you in the past and stick with them.
17.Figure out how you learn. It can be by memorising, reading, speaking, summarising or other methods. Find out how you study best. It can be in a quiet place by yourself or with a group.
18.Get help! If you don’t understand something you’ve got to ask someone. Ask your teacher, classmates or friends for help.
19.Review! Review! Review! Make sure that you take the time to review things you have studied in the past.
20.It’s not a good idea to study on your own for more than 30 minutes at a time. Take regular breaks, get some fresh air and stretch your legs.
21.Don’t be in such a hurry to move up a level. Concentrate on the level you are at now.
22.Watch DVDs rather than TV. It’s better to use something that you can watch over again to catch information you might have missed the first time.
23.Watching TV only gives you the chance to hear something correctly first time. This is better for high level students. It can be great practice for speaking to native English speakers so you don’t have to ask them to repeat themselves!
24.Read graded readers. These books are especially written for your level. Read a whole novel. You can do it! You’ll feel great afterwards.
25.Children’s books have easier words and are a good alternative to graded readers.
26.Newspapers are a good place to find passive constructs. Read through an article and see if you can find the passive sentences.
27.Read for the general meaning first. Don’t worry about understanding every word, then go back and look up new words.
28.For a word you don’t understand in a sentence, look at the other words around it. They will give you a hint. Try to guess the meaning from the context.
29.Learn root words. They’ll help you guess the meaning of words. For example: scrib = write, min = small
30.When you learn a new word, think of all its other forms: Beautiful (adjective), beauty (noun), beautifully (adverb).
31.Learn prefixes (dis-, un-, re-) and suffixes (-ly, -ment, -ful), these will help you to figure out the meaning of words and build your vocabulary.
32.English, unlike Japanese or French, uses word stress. For new words, count the syllables and find where the stress is. Only one stress per word and always on a vowel. Two syllable verbs have a stress on the second syllable (beGIN). 2 syllable nouns (TEAcher) and adjectives (HAPpy) stress the first.
33.Use English whenever you can. It’s as simple as that!
34.Don’t translate into English from your own language. Think in English to improve your fluency. Talk to yourself…but not on the bus otherwise people will think you have gone crazy!
35.You can’t learn English from a book. Like driving a car, you can only learn through doing it.
36.The most natural way to learn grammar is through talking.
37.Keep an English diary or journal. Start by writing a few sentences a day and then get into the habit of writing more.
38.Why not start an online blog and share your writings with the world?
39.To become a better writer brainstorm as many ideas and thoughts onto paper without worrying about grammar or spelling. Then think about the structure. After that, write your piece using good grammar and spelling. Finally, read it through or give it to someone else to check for mistakes.
40.Keep an eye on your punctuation as it can totally change what you’re trying to say. Check out the difference in meaning between these two sentences: “A woman without her man is nothing” and “A woman: without her, man is nothing”.
41.Sing your heart out! Show the world your beautiful voice! Learn English songs and sing along with them to improve fluency and intonation… anyone for Karaoke?
42.Get a penfriend or use chat-rooms, forums and community sites. If you can’t speak to someone in English, this is the next best thing.
43.Shadow English CDs. Listen to a few sentences then repeat what you heard. Focus on the rhythm and intonation.
44.Have English radio on in your house. Even if you are not actively listening to it, you will still be training your ears.
45.Mirror CDs. Read out loud along with a CD. Again, this is great for intonation, pronunciation and rhythm.
46.Dictation. Listen to a CD or friend and write down what you hear.
47.Nobody likes to hear their own voice, but be brave and try it! Record your voice and listen to your pronunciation and intonation. It will help you to identify your problem areas.
48.Ask your helpful teacher if you can record his lesson. This is a great way to review. You can also listen to your teachers speaking speed and intonation.
49.Use an English/English dictionary as it will help you to keep thinking in English and not translating.
50.If an English/English dictionary seems scary, there are learner’s dictionaries for English students of your level.
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Learn English

World top Mobile phone company.
1. Samsung

Samsung sold 444 million mobile phones in 2013 with a 24.6% market share, a rise of 2.6 percentage points compared to last year when the South Korean giant sold 384 million mobile phones.
The company was at the pole position even in 2012.
2. Nokia
The Finnish handset giant that sold its devices business to Microsoft continued to be the second largest player clocking sales of 250.79 million mobile phone units in 2013.
Occupying a market share of 13.9%, a decline compared to 2012 when its share was 19.1%, Nokia witnessed an overall fall in sales numbers.
3. Apple
According to Gartner, Apple which only sells smartphones, was the third largest player, selling 150.78 million units of its iPhones in 2013.
The Cupertino giant had a market share of 8.3%. For context, the company sold 130.13 million smartphones in 2012.
4. LG
The other South Korean electronics giant registered a minor growth of 0.5 percentage points in market share to command 3.8% in 2013.
The company sold 69.02 million mobile phones, a rise compared to about 58 million units it sold in 2012.LG has moved up one position compared to last year.
5. TCL
The Chinese multinational company that sells phones under the Alcatel brand name, sold 49.53 million units of mobile phones in 2013.
The company registered a market share of 2.7%. It had sold 37.17 million phones in 2012.
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Advanced Office Couse Book download List.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Advanced Office Course Book download List.
Here you can download All free Microsoft Office application.
For example:
1. Microsoft word 2003, 2007, 2010, & Update
2. Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, & Update
3. Microsoft Power point 2003, 2007, 2010, & Update
4. Microsoft Access 2003, 2007, 2010, & Update
5. Microsoft outlook 2003, 2007, 2010, & Update
6. Microsoft Publisher 2003, 2007, 2010, & Update
Microsoft Office is an office file for desktop applications, servers and services for Microsoft Windows and OS X operating systems. It was first announced by Bill Gates of Microsoft on 1 August 1988 at COMDEX in Las Vegas. Initially a marketing term for a bundled set of applications, the first version of Office contained Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint. Over the years, Office applications have grown substantially closer with shared features such as a common spell checker, OLE data integration and Visual Basic for Applications scripting language. Microsoft also positions Office as a development platform for line-of-business software under the Office Business Applications brand.
Office Couse Book
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