Every man & women have a common problem name is high weight. But if you try to loss in your weight then see this two type exercises for loss your weight in 15 days.
For start any exercises we need to warm up first ,jumping jack is the best exercise for warm up because it increase heart rate , increase blood flow to muscles throughout the body and decrease the risk of muscle tear or body spasm,Jumping jack target different muscles of the body like Gluteus muscle ,calf muscles ,Achilles tendon all muscles together perform Jumping jack.By doing jumping jack you can burn 300 calories in 20 minute.

This is an advance aerobic exercise it is used for muscle strength training or also helps in fat burn.This exercise are mostly used in sports person or military persons,There is large number of muscles are used in burpees ,examples pectoralis major or chest muscle ,triceps muscle,abdominal muscles ,gluteus muscles, quadriceps or hamstring muscle.It will also increase blood pressure or heart rate when we performing this exercises .you can burn 500 calories in only 10 minute of burpees exercises.

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